exercise central Night Digital IR snap 360








Born 1966

staff photographer from 1989 to 2001 for


Since 2002, I worked as a freelance photographer with jobs including

official photographer for the World Trade Organisation 2005 HK Ministerial Conference
photography for the Hong Kong International Airport 2005 Calendar
photography for the Open University HK Annual report from 2002
This was also the year I started the
infra-red photography project.


In 2008, I was consigned by the HK Housing Authority for a photographic project in the Lower Ngau Tau Estate 牛頭角下村, which it would be demolished and those residents and shops within had to move out by the end of 2009.


Related Link for the LNTK project:


Like a ship needs a lighthouse to guide its journey, we are eager
for something to shed light on our own way to life , whether it is
education, law, a norm, religion or what’s not .
Yet, we are, still lost.



 night / “Roads.light” Exhibition《路.燈》攝影個展 

I like to raise doubts; I like to be naive; and I like to refrain myself from seeking for a subject title and even an absolute answer.

–Just another exercise

Film IR

Perhaps a ‘reflection of my life’ that taking me to my good old home, or is it a question about whether this city is indeed a ghost city ? Anyway, it was fun .

–A Central without people

a central without people

A new challenge for an endless exploration, both speeding up and slowing down, and life goes on until it comes to an end..

digital infrared

As the troops go marching in, love and logic can’t kept clear. Times gone by and so as the instinct once possessed..
