
20091204_620091204_720091204_420091204_920091204_820091205_220091205_420091205_520091205_320091206_1Photographers Antonin Kennel & Vincent Assante Di Cupillo 2009-12-07


  1. Sylvia
    December 10, 2009

    John, well done. 這些照片盛載著我們此行的許多回憶,360度的記錄確實內容豐富,就連當時身在現場的我也忽略了其中一些東西或人物,現在重溫起來,清楚多了。

  2. misu
    February 6, 2010

    your Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate project is wonderful!
    I live in eastern europe and I feel like I’ve been in hong-kong for months.
    thank you for this.
    your use of panoramic images is fantastic. It lacks the “arty” intent panoramas usually imply. the non-panoramic images are also very impressive.
    what type of camera do use for panoramas? it feels unobtrusive and quick. and the image quality is excellent. how about black and white? is it film?

  3. johnchoy
    February 7, 2010

    Thanks Misu for leaving yr words in my NTK web.

    For the panoramas in Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate, I used a Canon 1ds MK3 with a prime 24mm lenses since I didn’t know interactive VR in that period. I thought stitching was the best way to capture as much details as possible in such a limited space and time before the estate demolish.

    Since then, due to influence from panoramas.dk, I started to learn VR and those 360 VR on this page were done by a Sigma 8mm.

    The B&W ( both IR and snapshots )in this site is digital. For IR, I shifted to digital IR since 2008. My IR since then were captured by a IR modified canon 5d by life-pixel and it was by stitching too.

  4. misu
    February 8, 2010

    thank you!
    what impressed me a lot in your photos is obvious in your answer. everybody feels good about being photographed.
    being where I am, this makes feel good.

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