孫樹坤 2010年春
“Our Tai O”
It is very difficult if not impossible to preserve our live style and tradition amidst the rapid
pace of development of Hong Kong. The Tai O ‘ers have done it and it should not be
counted simply as a result of the remoteness of Tai O. The older generation refuse to leave
their place to live with their children working in the town, and the younger generation
embrace their weekends and holidays in Tai O. Comparatively Tai O ‘ers are less materially
enriched as their city counterparts, but in terms of the preservation of their culture, the
harmonies of their community, and the happiness of their lives, the Tai O ‘ers have served
as the “Leading Index” of Hong Kong.
Tai O is not only a scenic spot, it is the “déjà-vu” and the root of Hong Kong. Long before
the occupation of the British colonist, Tai O was the entrepot of the Pearl River delta. Tai
O is not only a fishing village, the stretches of stilt houses is the last Jodo of all the
fishermen of Southern China, it is the only heritage of culture that Hong Kong has
preserved for China and the World. Tai O has done much to preserve their culture, But isn’t
it true that Tai O culture is part of Hong Kong’s culture?
Leon Suen Spring 2010
展覽日期 Exhibition Date :
21/2 – 7/3.2010
開幕酒會 Opening Reception :
20/2/2010 3:00pm – 5:00pm
永安街54號地下 Tai O Culture Workshop 54 Wing On Street G/F

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